
It’s Alive! Upcoming Testing this Fall

The Community for Rigor has spent the past two years hard at work developing educational materials to teach core concepts in scientific rigor, and we’re trying hard to get it right.
Zac Parker
September 3, 2024

The Community for Rigor has spent the past two years hard at work developing educational materials to teach core concepts in scientific rigor, and we’re trying hard to get it right.

This Fall, C4R is debuting our first slate of units for testing. Without any further ado, look forward to:

  • Causation versus Correlation (w/ Johns Hopkins University/Virginia Tech).
  • Formulating a Valid Research Question (w/ Duquesne University).
  • Improve your Research Rigor with Randomization (w/ Smith College).
  • And the Road to Rigor, our introductory unit to concepts in research rigor.

Activities from some of these short courses will be available for initial testing and feedback at this October’s meeting of the Society for Neuroscience at our workshop “Community for Rigor: A Tool for Teaching the Principles of Rigorous Research.” You can catch our workshop in Chicago on Monday, October 7, from  3-5pm CDT. C4R will also be on the expo floor for the entire conference demonstrating these units and giving out the best merch in Neuroscience–just ask the folks still rocking our socks from last year.

With these units ready to meet the world, we’re hard at work on the next ones. Want to help us decide what to make next? Send us a message and let’s talk!

C4R Team

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The Community for Rigor has spent the past two years hard at work developing educational materials to teach core concepts in scientific rigor, and we’re trying hard to get it right.
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September 3, 2024